
Vocals: Eleanor Forte SynthV

MV by ippo.tsk

ricedeity: composition, lyrics
JamieP: composition, arrange, lyrics
Vane Lily: arrange, lyrics, EWI

That morning, just me and you あの朝、わたしとあなただけ
With azure views for two 二人のための紺碧の景色
Our promises bound by sights we long outgrew あの頃の約束は幼いまま
A curtain dyed shades unlaid by morning sun 朝日に染まる準備ができてないカーテン
A weeping window wails for days come undone 失われた日々を想い涙流す窓
If I live to be a weathervane もしわたしの人生は風見鶏なら
Always pointing off, away, to lead you 'long the flyway いつも彼方に向けて指してあなたを導く
Turned to face this side of you あなたの方に回って
Would it be enough for me to lead your way? 行先を示すだけでいいのかしら
I’ll stay afraid in weekday 平日、怯えたまま
(Come what may) (何が起きても)
I reach for what remains 残ったものに手を伸ばす
Didn't you see the news today? 今朝のニュースみなかったの?
I heard they said it looked like rain 雨模様らしいよ
All the words I left unsaid that day あの日言い残したたくさんの言葉
Stained the sidewalk drop by drop with gray, oh 歩道を一粒ずつ灰色に染めていく
Rain or shine, I'm by your side 雨でも晴れでも傍にいるよ
So why won't you look my way? なんでこっちを向かないの?
The weather forecast's calling for another cloudy day 天気予報はまた曇り空
That evening, just me and you あの朝、わたしとあなただけ
Through rosy tinted hues 薔薇色のレンズ越しに見る
A promise of fairer winds that never blew 来ることがなかった優しい風
Vermilion claims to say the sun will stay 朱色の夕暮れは太陽が留まると約束する
And yet my heart holds close the storm as it breaks それでもわたしは心に嵐を抑え込んでいる
I could live to be a hurricane もしわたしの人生は台風なら
Turn into a tempest, violent, silent in the eye 荒れ狂う豪雨、目に静寂
All whirling, gusting, wuthering 旋回、突風、嵐が丘
Could it be enough to change the way you use my name? あなたが口にするわたしの呼び方が変わるかしら
Remain in weekday 平日に居残って
(I’m okay) (私は大丈夫)
I stay for all that aches 痛むがために留まるの
Didn't you see the news today? 今朝のニュースみなかったの?
I heard they said it looked like rain 雨模様らしいよ
All the words I left unsaid that day あの日言い残したたくさんの言葉
Stained the sidewalk drop by drop with gray, oh 歩道を一粒ずつ灰色に染めていく
Rain or shine, my heart won't dry 雨でも晴れでも心は潤う
So why can't I look away? でもわたしは目を逸らせないの
The weather forecast's calling for another cloudy day 天気予報はまた曇り空
Didn't you see the news today? 今朝のニュースみなかったの?
I heard they said it looked like rain 雨模様らしいよ
All the words I left unsaid that day あの日言い残したたくさんの言葉
Stained the sidewalk drop by drop with gray, oh 歩道を一粒ずつ灰色に染めていく
Rain or shine, I'm by your side 雨でも晴れでも傍にいるよ
So why won't you look my way? だからこっちを向いて?
The weather forecast's calling for another… 天気予報はまた...
Didn't you see the news today? 今朝のニュースみなかったの?
I heard they said it looked like rain 雨模様らしいよ
All the words I left unsaid that day あの日言い残したたくさんの言葉
Stained the sidewalk drop by drop with gray, oh 歩道を一粒ずつ灰色に染めていく
Vivid skies may pass me by 鮮やかな空が過ぎ去っても
But even still, I'll stay それでも、わたしはいるよ
The weather forecast's calling for another cloudy day 天気予報はまた曇り空
Look through me, a windowpane わたしは窓ガラス、覗いて
Colored as a sky entirely filled with clouds, I might be わたしは雲に覆われた空のような色、もしかしたら
Everything that I can be わたしは全てになれるかも
If it’s not enough, I trust the sky will open up それでも満たされなかったら、きっと空は開けるよ
Someday, someday, someday いつか、いつか、いつか

Spotify / Apple Music / Bandcamp


About the vocalist (日本語を見る) (Click for English)

Eleanor Forte (Synthesizer V) is a feminine English vocal. Originally known as ENG-F1, she was the first public English voicebank created for the first Synthesizer V engine. She is often portrayed as a timid and old-fashioned girl.

Voicebank by VOLOR

Eleanor Forte (Synthesizer V)は英語の女性合成歌声です。元々は「ENG-F1」としてSynthesizer V初の英語音声データベースとして知られていました。少し弱きで古風な女の子として描写されることが多いです。

歌声データベース: VOLOR

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