FLAVOR FOLEY is an indie music circle from the United States consisting of JamieP, Vane Lily, and ricedeity. Their debut single BUTCHER VANITY was uploaded in March 2024 and reached 10M views by December of the same year. They specialize in songs using vocal synthesizers, also known as virtual singers.
Contact for artist collaborations or professional work inquiries: FLAVORFOLEY @ GMAIL
Can I make a cover of your song and upload it as a monetized YouTube video?Yes, always! Thank you!
Can I make an animation to your song and upload it as a monetized YouTube video?
Yes, always! Thank you!
Can I upload a cover of your song to streaming services?
Email us! :-)
Can we make a non-commercial level for your song in a rhythm game (Rhythm Doctor, A Dance of Fire and Ice, etc)?
Sure! Feel free to email us to double-check if you're not sure.
What are your favorite foods?
Jamie's is beef stroganoff or apples. Vane's is tamales or green enchildas. Rice's is red braised pork belly or broccoli.
Art by Livv